A Break From The Drought

hoge is making this up you know

Ah…Hoge spouts the old “you have a job because of a rich person” talking point.

It really must be a slow day at Hogewash!.

This might be true if, say, the rich person inherited their money and you’re working for them as their personal butler but if you’re like me (someone who works a steady 9-5 like 94% of the working adults in this country) your paycheck doesn’t come from the stuffing in the mattress of the company owner.

No, it does not – it comes from lots of other people like me who buy lots and lots of the products the company you work for sells.

Those guys in the suits are just the middlemen. You know – “supply and demand”.

Hoge has just gone and repeated something that is not only untrue, it’s insultingly untrue and it is the oft-repeated whacked-out bullshit the likes of Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, etc who, from time to time, like to remind their listeners that “no poor person ever gave me a job”.

Those idiots are being paid by their advertisers who, in turn, make money by selling goods and services to a lot of those poor people.

Ergo: the cash they get paid bears the unmistakable prints of the lower classes and rich people most certainly do not make the world go ’round.

It takes everybody, whether you’re the head of a Fortune 500 or some guy schlepping it at WalMart or you run a small mom-and-pop liquor store on the corner.

Hoge seems to think that the rich are unfairly targeted and that they’re asked to put in more than everyone else. Well, everyone else on the planet also feels this way.

Welcome to the human race – where we all get the same raw deal.

Hillary is correct and The Mockery Continues…


Let’s See If Paul Krendler Has The Testicular Fortitude

Saw this today on Thinking Man’s Zombie, “Paul Krendler’s” blog (and, no, I won’t link to it):

krendler makes me laugh again

Well, let’s see….

I have used seven paragraphs, never got permission and more than 30 words and having committed such a flagrant violation of Krendler’s copy(yeah)right, I expect he (or Hoge) will drop the full weight of the courts on me for this.

To which I say: bring it on.

I’ll tell you why neither Hoge or Krendler will lift a finger. For starters, Hoge isn’t going to bother to come out to California. Oh, no sir – he’s not going to pay the airfare to come out here and sue me.

I am, however, entertaining the idea of moving to Maryland just so I can spot him a handicap.

As for Krendler, well…he’s a coward. No way in hell he’d give up his anonymity to sue me so I’m just going to go ahead and keep copying/pasting his blogs from now on for the simple fact that people (and not sockpuppets) have legal standing.

But I’ve been wrong before. Perhaps this will be the impetus Paul needs to sprout some sack and walk the fuckin’ plank.

The Mockery Continues…

An Open Letter To My Most Excellent Friend

Date: August 28. 2014 9:05 AM PDT

To: My Most Excellent Friend Bill Schmalfeldt

From: William A. Ferguson

Subject: Who Loves Ya, Baby?


Dear Bill,

Hey, buddy, how they hanging today? I sincerely hope this letter finds you and yours well this fine August day.

So I see Hoge went behind your back to the courts and got another peace order – this time for a year – after he shook your hand and told you that he wasn’t going to pursue that avenue against you and I also see that this treachery has angered you something fierce.

I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do. There have been times in my life where people have lied to my face and it never fails to piss me off so I completely understand the level of betrayal you feel right now for believing in the goodness of your fellow man only to have that faith shattered.

I hope I’m not presuming too much when I say that I speak not only for myself but for the people who also love and care about you as much as I do when I say this:

You have got to let this go.

Yes, Hoge is a liar. Yes, he’s a piece of shit. Yes, he’s a vexatious snake but you want to know something? You already knew this and now you’ve been given a stark reminder that he is never to be trusted.

Lesson learned.

I write this letter to you today not to scold you, not to call you a sap, not to chastise you in any way but to remind you of the bigger picture – the one you don’t seem to be looking at right now.

And here it is:

Two things.

First, Hoge has tried to throw you in jail 367 times. He failed as he couldn’t see the forest for the trees by thinking that the folks in authority would take him seriously…and didn’t.

Secondly, Hoge has tried to bankrupt you by suing you on a bullshit copyright infringement case to the tune of $620,000. Even the judge who first reviewed the case let it be known to the world that he had nothing so – predictably – he failed that, too.

These two items are no small potatoes, Bill. Hoge has tried to take away both your freedom and put you and your wife out on the street yet you’re not sitting in jail nor are you and Gail homeless today.

I say this to remind you that Hoge has done his worst and couldn’t touch you and all he can do is file his little peace order against you.

That’s right – for all his huff-and-puff-blow-your-house-down-fire-breathing-chest-beating posturing, the only thing he’s got is to get a judge to tell you to leave him alone.

Yes, you can still Tweet and blog about him. This is still the United States Of America and you still have a First Amendment right to write whatever you want and (as an added bonus) you still have the doctrine of Fair Use on your side as his infringement suit was dismissed with prejudice – so you go right ahead; quote and mock him to your heart’s content.

There’s nothing else he can do to you anymore.

As for this peace order, let’s call it what it really is: Hoge has told the world he’s a grown-ass man who fears a 59 year old with Stage IV Parkinson’s Disease. This is the shame he has to live with – not you.

It doesn’t get any more pathetic than that.

So let him file his peace orders. Let him file five, ten, a hundred, a thousand more. You know the old saw about a fool and his money, right?

In conclusion – on behalf of those of us who love and care about you, please let this go. Hoge has done his worst and it is found sorely lacking.

Go on and enjoy the rest of your life. The best revenge is to live well.


William A. Ferguson

The Mockery Continues





It’s Like The Onion, Only Less Funny And Way More Tourette’s

krendler makes me laugh


So we have a new player in the Hoge drama – meet Paul Krendler over at Thinking Man’s Zombie (no, I definitely won’t be linking to it) who claims he’s a free speech, take-on-all-comers champion.

Except, of course, when he’s not.

Like, for example, on a previous blog of his titled “The Time Has Come…And Gone” where he basically says I’ve been wrong on everything I felt the need to call him on it with a response of my own:

Since you’re new to the neighborhood, sonny, allow me to bring you up to speed:

I have made more than that one prediction and I never claimed I was always right – but I’ve been right more often than not and certainly more right than Hoge has ever been.

Let’s see:

I predicted all of Hoge’s motions would be tossed. They were.

I predicted Hoge would never get Bill behind bars. That didn’t happen as all 367 criminal charges against him were dropped.

I predicted Akbar would finally get snared into a courtroom after vainly trying to duck the process server. He was.

I predicted Hoge would go home empty handed on this latest copyright infringement fiasco. He did, only through Bill’s good heart did he cede the alleged infringement.

I predicted that Walker would get slapped around a few times during this process. He was.

So, yeah, when I say I’m right more often than not it’s because…I am. Weird, huh?

Ok, so Hoge and company won the state suit. Ever heard the expression “won the battle but lost the war?” Seems to go unnoticed around you lot.

The war is far from over. There’s still the Federal side of this case and Kimberlin’s not going to make the same mistake twice.
Anyway, thanks for inviting me over for Amateur Hour to show you how a professional does it.

Good day…and the mockery will continue.

William A. Ferguson


Predictably, this response from me ruined his narrative as I knew it would. I proudly stand by my record and while I don’t claim to be 100% right all the time I’m right often enough to where you might want to listen to what I’m saying.

Predictably, the benighted champion of open forums didn’t print it and instead to put my response in “moderation purgatory.”

Predictably, I knew this would happen.

Paul Krendler (not his real name, of course) is a Hoge wanna-be, except his blog lacks all the glorious luster of Hogewash and contains even less humor.

I have to hand it to Hoge – as much of a horse’s ass the man is at least he’s funny (if not outright hilarious from time to time).

Paul Krendler is a foul-mouthed, uninspired, unimaginative, lackluster cretin and Thinking Man’s Zombie is much like The Onion – if, of course, The Onion was entirely staffed by 4th graders suffering from advanced Tourette’s Syndrome.

Go ahead and Google his blog to see for yourself – I’ll wait.

In the meantime, I’m going to delight in mocking him mercilessly as the only witty riposte he will have is to call me a “mook” and perhaps whine about how I’m “stealing” from him.

Welcome to the neighborhood, Paul.

The mockery continues…