Say Pot, Have You Met Kettle?

hoge says what

There are some days that I wish Hogewash! came with a beverage warning for I just shot coffee out of my nose reading this and in the process ruined a perfectly good keyboard.

A vexatious litigant is one who keeps filing and losing nuisance lawsuits…

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a very fair description of W.J.J. Hoge. Here’s a complete list (so far) of the cases he’s filed and very clearly lost.

  • Files TWO Peace Orders, both dismissed. (He did get a bite on the third try).
  • Filed Criminal Charges under Maryland 8, 3.03 and 3.05 and a charge of illegal access to a computer under Maryland 7.302(c). All three charges dropped.
  • Filed another charge under Maryland 8, 3.03. Dismissed.
  • Filed a criminal charge saying Bill Schmalfeldt failed to comply with a peace order that has since been dismissed. Predictably, that one got dismissed.
  • Filed a Contempt Citation, claiming Schmalfeldt violated a peace order. Denied.

He’s since went on to file a whopping 353 more criminal charges on top of the 13 other charges he’s had dismissed and now finds himself in mediation where it’s clear, even to the dimmest bulb on the Christmas lights, that the state isn’t going to entertain the idea of charging Bill Schmalfeldt with anything and will most likely dismiss all the charges.

So, Hoge, you were presuming lecturing the rest of us about vexatious litigation?

Pot, kettle.

The mockery continues…

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